Vital Signs Monitor


This monitor measures and provides information about physiological conditions and basic vitals of patients accurately to medics for evaluation. This data helps the physician understand the health condition of the patient better. It also alerts in case of an irregularity such as pulse rate, blood pressure, or body temperature.

Vital signs monitors are a less expensive option for small clinics versus a patient monitor with multiple parameters. They are used in pro-operation areas, clinics, doctor’s offices as well as home settings for patient care.


  • Vivid displays to show readings

  • Rechargeable backup battery

  • AC/DC power cable

  • Optional: built-in printer, data management systems


Importance of monitoring the patient’s vital signs;

Establish a Healthy Lifestyle

When looking at a mirror, you will think your body is in great shape even by how you’re feeling. But when you decide to check your vitals with a monitor, the details of your body readings will turn out different. This information will motivate you to work on changing your lifestyle and be healthier.

For example, if you have a habit of drinking lots of coffee each day, you can replace that with herbal tea. These changes will help keep your vital signs in check.

Detect Underlying Health Problems

Medical practitioners sometimes bypass medical conditions that may end up being undetected. This may lead to a lack of treatment because the medical ailment has not been detected.

When the physician is checking your vital signs during treatment, it exposes any underlying issues. Therefore, you can receive successful treatment and have it promptly.

Prevention of Misdiagnosis

Previous prescriptions have shown that some sicknesses have similar symptoms. Using the vital signs monitor helps the doctor get the correct information for treatment. This ensures the correct assessment of the patient’s condition and gives the right diagnosis.

Evaluation of Your Well-being

Vital signs monitoring enables doctors to assess your well-being and determine the treatment solution.

Some of the vitals usually checked to include; heart rate, blood pressure, height, weight, body temperature, and respiration.

Heart rate

Your heart rate measures your pulse and shows your number of heartbeats per minute which normally should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute. If the heartbeat is not within that range, then you need medical attention.

Vital signs monitor helps the doctor to measure and determine the condition of the heart rate. Some reasons for fluctuating pulse rate could be; smoking, age, medications, inactivity, emotions, or chronic stress.

Height and Weight

Changes in body weight indicate issues such as poor lifestyle habits or undetected medical conditions such as thyroid disease. Height may also fluctuate due to bone loss and this may cause osteoporosis with time.

Being able to identify these fluctuations and identify underlying issues that need treatment may help a great deal in early treatment as well as improving lifestyle.

Body Temperature

A normal body temperature is anything between 97 to 99F. In case it does not lie within this range, it’s a sign of an infection. Whenever a virus attacks your body, your immune system sends a signal to your brain. This part of the brain known as the hypothalamus increases body temperature to weaken the infection.

A vital sign monitor helps detect irregular body temperature and allows the physician to detect problems and treat them at an early stage.


Respiration rate is the number of times you breathe in one minute. Adults have a respiration range, which is calculated by counting the chest rises from 12 to 20 breaths per minute.

Allergies and infections are usually early signs of irregular respiration rates. Keeping tabs on your respiration rates by monitoring with the vital signs machine helps you identify illnesses before and treat them on time.

Blood Pressure

Monitoring your blood pressure helps you assess the condition of your heart. Blood pressure measures the force that pushes blood against artery walls during contraction and relaxation. Abnormal blood pressure notifies the doctor of an underlying ailment that needs attention for treatment.



GM Medical offers vital signs monitors to both medical practitioners and care givers to improve the lives of those on treatment.

Choosing a vital sign monitor will depend on factors such as affordability, location, and purpose of usage.

For more information, please reach us via call/WhatsApp +254722932625 or email [email protected]

GM Medical, we got you covered!

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